杰瑞Nemorin, 金融专家 in 迈阿密,佛罗里达州,美国
杰里 is 可用 租用
雇佣 杰里


验证专家  in 金融



杰里 is an expert in financial modeling, valuation, M&A, fintech, startups, and debt and equity capital raising. He previously founded a venture-backed fintech company that raised over $12 million in equity and $250 million in debt capital. 杰里 worked in corporate treasury for Fortune 500s and advised on LBO transactions and high-yield debt capital raises. 作为一名自由职业者, he wants to offer his expertise to a broader group of companies at all stages.


创始人 & 首席执行官
Lend Street Financial






  • Advised the executive director on new go-to-market technology products, 策略, 可持续的资金.
  • Helped review a Gates grant application that resulted in the largest grant to the organization to date.
  • Led an exercise to identify potential opportunities to monetize the platform to create a sustainable funding model.
Focus areas: 商业策略, 商业计划咨询, 定价模型, 定价, 增长战略, 美国, 创业咨询

创始人 & 首席执行官

2013 - 2022
Lend Street Financial
  • Raised $12 million in venture capital and $250 million in debt capital.
  • Developed an underwriting approach that outperformed FICO by 116 points.
  • Built and syndicated a profitable loan product to institutional investors.
  • Selected to integrate the inaugural cohort of Launch with GS, Goldman Sachs' business accelerator.
关注领域:创业公司, Fintech, 消费信贷, 私人资本市场, 商业策略, 市场策, 策略, 财务管理, 市场研究, 市场细分, Total Addressable Market (TAM), 竞争研究, 球场上甲板, 估值建模, 商业计划咨询, Three-statement建模, 预测, 电子银行, 收入 & 费用预测, 预算, 信用风险, 银行 & 金融, 信贷承销, 信贷/债务, 信用评分, 筹款, 市场, 商业模式, 演示文稿设计, 定价模型, 定价, 增长战略, Startup 增长战略 Development, 适应市场, DCF模型, 帽表, 情景分析, 风险资本, 退出策略, 财务分析, 数据分析, 市场研究分析师, SaaS, 种子筹款, 融资策略, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 分析, Excel建模, Excel专家, 现金流, 应收账款, Business to Business (B2B), 融资, Pitch Deck顾问, 会计, 部分首席财务官, Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (SME), 早期的创业公司, Early-stage 风险资本, 早期的资金, 创业融资, 盈利能力分析, 金融产品, 消费银行业务, 集资”, 现金流量模型, 临时首席财务官, 首席财务官, 美国, 财政部, 财务数据, 财政部 & 流动性管理, 天使投资, 天使/种子资金, Software as a Service (SaaS), 增长股票, 企业SaaS, 投资者的演讲, 创业咨询

Associate, Financial Sponsors

2007 - 2010
  • Advised on transactions with an aggregate value of over $2 billion in high-yield debt capital.
  • Analyzed credit considerations for a $15 billion leverage financial proposal to support the acquisition of a consumer product company by a consortium of private equity firms.
  • Conducted discounted cash flow (DCF), 最优资本结构, and weighted average cost of capital (WACC) analyses, advising clients on strategic financial initiatives for funding future employees' benefit obligations.
Focus areas: 私人股本, 杠杆融资, 杠杆收购(LBO), 商业策略, 市场策, 策略, 财务管理, 市场研究, 市场细分, Total Addressable Market (TAM), 竞争研究, 球场上甲板, 估值建模, 杠杆收购模型, Three-statement建模, 预测, 收入 & 费用预测, 预算, 信用风险, 银行 & 金融, 信贷承销, 筹款, 融资顾问, 演示文稿设计, 定价模型, 增长战略, 估值, DCF估值, DCF模型, 情景分析, 退出策略, 合并 & 收购(M&A)财务分析&一个建模, 预估分析, 数据分析, 市场研究分析师, 融资策略, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 分析, Excel建模, Excel专家, 现金流, 应收账款, Business to Business (B2B), 融资, Pitch Deck顾问, 会计, Early-stage 风险资本, 盈利能力分析, 现金流量模型, 临时首席财务官, 首席财务官, 美国, 财政部管理, 财务数据, 财政部 & 流动性管理, 增长股票, 企业SaaS, 投资者的演讲

财政部 Analyst, 银行 Relations & 贸易融资

2004 - 2006
  • Redesigned the banking relations evaluation process reducing the cycle time by three days while increasing the scope and quality of data provided to senior management.
  • Managed a pilot test and trained requestors, 审批人员, and facilitators for a global Six Sigma project to improve contingent liability requests and tracking processes. This project earned the Pinnacle and the Alexander Hamilton awards.
  • Reviewed and analyzed contingent liability requests from the subsidiaries and drafted recommendations to the treasurer and 首席财务官.
Focus areas: 贸易融资, 项目融资, 商业策略, 策略, 财务管理, 球场上甲板, Three-statement建模, 预测, 收入 & 费用预测, 预算, 银行 & 金融, 房地产, 演示文稿设计, 定价模型, 定价, 增长战略, 估值, 运输 & Shipping, DCF估值, DCF模型, 情景分析, 合并 & 收购(M&A)财务分析&一个建模, 预估分析, 数据分析, 市场研究分析师, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 分析, Excel建模, Excel专家, 现金流, 应收账款, Business to Business (B2B), 融资, Pitch Deck顾问, 会计, 库存, 清洁能源, 盈利能力分析, 现金流量模型, 临时首席财务官, 美国, 财政部, 财政部管理, 财务数据, 财政部 & 流动性管理, 制造业


2004 - 2004
  • Designed the pitch deck for an NFL draft prospect highlighting the firm's capabilities, 可比较的运动员, 吃水槽, and the expected compensation analysis. The presentation resulted in the client signing with the agency.
  • Completed comparative salary analysis for our clients who were free agents ahead of the free agency period to determine appropriate parameters for contract negotiation.
  • Wrote a story comparing our two top clients going into the draft and highlighted their relative family background, Skills, 和生产. We pitched the story to media outlets, and it made the front page of the ESPN website.
Focus areas: 球场上甲板, 美国
2006 - 2008

硕士学位 in Business Administration (MBA)

弗吉尼亚大学 - Charlottesville, VA, USA

2000 - 2004

学士学位 in 金融

佛罗里达大学 - Gainesville, FL, USA


金融建模, 债务增加, 筹款, 股权资本, 消费信贷, 估值, 财务管理, 市场研究, Total Addressable Market (TAM), 估值建模, 杠杆收购模型, Three-statement建模, 预测, 收入 & 费用预测, 预算, 信用风险, 信贷承销, 信贷/债务, 定价, DCF估值, 合并 & 收购(M&A), M&一个建模, 种子筹款, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 现金流, 创业融资, 盈利能力分析, 现金流量模型, 首席财务官, 天使/种子资金, 增长股票, 会计, 数据分析, 集资”, 公司的财政, 贸易融资, 项目融资, 筹集资本,, 贷款, 消费贷款, 私人股本, 伊斯兰银行

Data & 分析软件



银行 & 金融, 早期的创业公司, 房地产, 运输 & 航运、风险投资




私人资本市场, Fintech, 创业公司, 杠杆收购(LBO), 商业策略, 市场策, 策略, 市场细分, 竞争研究, 球场上甲板, 商业计划咨询, 电子银行, 信用评分, 融资顾问, 市场, 商业模式, 演示文稿设计, 定价模型, 增长战略, Startup 增长战略 Development, 适应市场, DCF模型, 帽表, 情景分析, 退出策略, 财务分析, 预估分析, 市场研究分析师, SaaS, 融资策略, 分析, Excel建模, Excel专家, 应收账款, Business to Business (B2B), 融资, Pitch Deck顾问, 部分首席财务官, 早期的资金, 金融产品, 消费银行业务, 临时首席财务官, 财政部, 财政部管理, 财政部 & 流动性管理, 天使投资, Software as a Service (SaaS), 投资者的演讲, 创业咨询, 库存, Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (SME), Early-stage 风险资本, 清洁能源, 制造业, 企业SaaS, 金融, Fintech顾问, 杠杆融资, 预算建模



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